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Hair Care Info & discount code

Hair Care Info & discount code

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CDD Hair care
https://glowingresult.com/magic-potion/ USE CODE FANCY AT CHECK OUT

***If you would like a DISCOUNT ON MAGIC POTION click this link and type in FANCY at checkout.*** 


My Process:

Wash and condition with your favorite shampoo/conditioner.  Stay away from silicones.  Apply some magic potion while wet. I like to spray and work it around any tangles with my fingers.

Let dry COMPLETELY, if you braid wet, the hair will mold and cause damage!

Spray on the magic potion once dry.  Just a light mist is fine, don't over saturate.  Gently brush and work out any knots.  Do not comb or use stiff bristles.  This breaks the hair.

Braid!  It is best to use smaller braids.  I usually end up with a dozen or so.  They KEY IS DO NOT make the braids tight at the top.  If you do this, when the horse grazes and moves their neck around it pulls the braids tight and the hair will break.  This is bad.  So, leave the top loose.  I alway start the braid about 1.5-2" down then wrap very losely for the first few plaits, then tighten it up as you go down.  For best results, braid to the bottom.  I do not use bands becuase they tend to pull out hair when removing, and I have trouble with them breaking.  I use electrical tape, or biomane tape at the ends.  Just wrap it nice and tight.

Reapply the magic potion mist 1-2 times a week.  For best results repeat the washing and braiding process once weekly.  However, Fancy gets hers done every few weeks, and more like once a month in the cold winter months. 

This is MY process, inspired by my friend Erika, who couldn't wait to help me with Fancy's mane.  She ran to see my new pony full of excitment for me with magic potion in hand!  What a great tip, and a greater friend!!

 I am not a professional.  I am just sharing what we do that works!  Click on the link for more info from the professionals :). Happy braiding.

***If you would like a DISCOUNT ON MAGIC POTION click this link and type in FANCY at checkout.***
